I've been keeping journals since I was in the 3rd grade and I'm so glad to share some of my most intimate life moments with you here! Here, you'll find inspirational and encouraging stories of me and other broken people like me. We are all jars of clay who have been afflicted in every way, but not crushed...struck down by not destroyed. Here, you do NOT have the right to remain silent, so as you read, grab your favorite snack and drink and leave a comment...share YOUR story. I can't wait to connect with you in this beautiful safe space.
I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I’ve blogged, but this was put on my heart to share, so here it goes:
Ethan and I laugh a lot. Yes, we are very happy, but don’t get it twisted: there are times where Ethan and I don’t see eye to eye. There are times where he annoys the HECK out of me and I work his LAST nerve. But at the end of day, there is a friendship there that is unbreakable, a respect that is mutual, a love there that is unconditional and a God in the midst that keeps us balanced.
There are times where I’ve wanted to give up….seriously just throw in the towel because our relationship was just “too hard.” I’ve never experienced SO many growing pains as a result of a relationship IN MY LIFE and quite honestly, I don’t always like what I learn about myself nor did I like the work I had to put in to help make us successful. But here’s the thing: Relationships are hard work. Long-distance ones? TRUST ME WHEN I SAY those are even harder. It takes a lot of COMMUNICATION,UNDERSTANDING, LISTENING, TRANSPARENCY and FORGIVENESS. TV will have you thinking everything should be rainbows and butterflies all the time, but don’t allow yourself to get caught up in that lie. There are times where it won’t be pretty and you two will fall from the peaks of happiness into the valleys of sorrow and visit dark places, but those times of pain will show you what you’re made of. Those are the times where you learn the most about yourself and go through those growing pains that folks don’t like to talk about. Those are the times where your relationship becomes stronger. Those are the times where you have to trust God the most and allow Him to mold you into the man and woman He has called you to be.
Not every relationship is meant to be, but for the ones God has put together?? Listen to me: STAY. ENCOURAGED. Sometimes it will be hard, but the hardships are only temporary. Keep the lines of communication flowing, the prayers and praises to God on your tongue and above all else, TRUST. JESUS. Because at the end of the day, this is all working together for your good and while you may go through some storms, I’m a living witness that there is plenty of sunshine on the other side. 🙂
**THANK YOU AMANDA again for some of my favorite pictures of us EVER!!!