I've been keeping journals since I was in the 3rd grade and I'm so glad to share some of my most intimate life moments with you here! Here, you'll find inspirational and encouraging stories of me and other broken people like me. We are all jars of clay who have been afflicted in every way, but not crushed...struck down by not destroyed. Here, you do NOT have the right to remain silent, so as you read, grab your favorite snack and drink and leave a comment...share YOUR story. I can't wait to connect with you in this beautiful safe space.
Ask any mommy and they will tell you: mommy-in’ ain’t easy. In fact, sometimes it can’t be downright exhausting. But as hard as it can be sometimes, every mother will tell you it’s the most rewarding job we’ll ever have. Just ask Katrina. “My babies look to me for their vital and basic necessities both […]
Let’s get real…Mother’s Day is just around the corner and you still have NO idea what you’re getting the most important woman in your life. It’s not that brunch and edible arrangements aren’t great, but in the spirit of trying to step your game up, here are 7 gift ideas that just might make your […]
There’s nothing more beautiful than watching the love of two people who were, without a doubt, put together by God shine bright. From the moment I met Kendall in Alaska, I knew she was someone special who deserved someone special. A former Miss Alaska, she’s just one of those people who has light inside of […]
Prayer. It’s the most important conversation of my day. It’s gotten me through tough times and bad storms. It is the way I expressed my gratitude to God when I simply didn’t know what else to say. For me, There’s nothing like the power of prayer. Prayer can restore hope, renew minds and transform lives. […]
It’s been a little more than two months since I stepped away from social media and I have to be honest: it’s nothing like I thought it would be. I actually thought I’d be missing my Instagram and Facebook feeds like crazy, but the reality is, I didn’t. During the time away, I tended to […]