I've been keeping journals since I was in the 3rd grade and I'm so glad to share some of my most intimate life moments with you here!  Here, you'll find inspirational and encouraging stories of me and other broken people like me. We are all jars of clay who have been afflicted in every way, but not crushed...struck down by not destroyed.  Here, you do NOT have the right to remain silent, so as you read, grab your favorite snack and drink and leave a comment...share YOUR story. I can't wait to connect with you in this beautiful safe space. 

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Clay Jar Convos

February 14, 2025

You are So Loved.

Valentine’s Day—some people adore it, others would rather pretend it doesn’t exist. Whether this day brings sweet memories, painful reminders, or just feels like another Friday, I want to encourage you to remember this truth: you are deeply loved.

Single red rose laying on the Holy Bible. Text that reads "You are so loved."

Not just loved in a fleeting, conditional way. Not loved based on your performance or what you bring to the table. Not loved based on your relationship status, your past, or your ability to give the perfect gift. You are loved because Jesus chose you and first loved you.

Depending on where you are in your Christian journey, you may have heard about 1 Corinthians 13…”a.k.a. The Love Chapter.” Here, we find the ultimate definition of love—patient, kind, enduring, never failing. But what does that really look like in our everyday lives?

Patience is choosing grace when your child tests your limits or when someone cuts you off on the highway. Kindness is extending a helping hand when no one is watching. Endurance is standing by your spouse through the hard and messy moments, not just the easy ones. And love never failing? That’s the kind of love that forgives, heals, and refuses to give up—even when things get tough.

This kind of love…the love we all long for deep down, isn’t found in a bouquet of roses or a candlelit dinner. It’s found in the heart of God, poured out freely for us. His love is the reason we can love, no matter where we are in life. And the most beautiful part? Jesus Himself embodied this love perfectly—offering grace when we fail, extending mercy when we don’t deserve it, and loving us without condition or end.

Growing up, I knew Jesus loved me. I knew He loved me because the Bible told me so. But as I got older, His love became more than what was written in the pages of scripture. It was something I began to feel in my body. It was love I was able to see in the moments He kept me from something I wanted, because He knew it wasn’t good for me. It was a love I could sense, even when I wandered…even when I doubted. Jesus’ love is unlike any other love I will ever know. It is sacrificial. It is unconditional. It is compassionate. It is faithful. —even when we fail, He remains consistent.

His love pursues us. Even when we fail or when we wander, His love is the most consistent love we’ll ever experience because it’s not based on what we deserve but on who He is. The love of Jesus is our anchor, our safe place, and our greatest gift. And isn’t that good news?

So today, whether you’re celebrating with someone special, holding onto memories of love lost, or just making it through the day, remember this:

❤️ You, my darling, are loved beyond measure.

💖 You are worthy of kindness—especially from yourself.

❤️ You are seen, known, and cherished by the One who created the universe.

💖 And because of His love, you have the power to love others with the same grace, patience, and joy.

Love isn’t just a feeling—it’s an action. It’s in the way we show up for our friends, care for our families, and even extend kindness to ourselves. Today, and everyday, let’s embrace the love of God, let it fill us up, and let it overflow to those around us.

Happy Valentine’s Day, friend. May your heart be full, not because of what the world offers, but because of the endless, unwavering love of Jesus. ❤️


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