I've been keeping journals since I was in the 3rd grade and I'm so glad to share some of my most intimate life moments with you here! Here, you'll find inspirational and encouraging stories of me and other broken people like me. We are all jars of clay who have been afflicted in every way, but not crushed...struck down by not destroyed. Here, you do NOT have the right to remain silent, so as you read, grab your favorite snack and drink and leave a comment...share YOUR story. I can't wait to connect with you in this beautiful safe space.
Like most 20-something year olds, there was a time where I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. It took a lot of praying and submission to what God was speaking to me over and over again, but soon enough, I was able to clearly see that God had placed an undeniable passion and dream in my heart to be a photographer.
So, I went for it….but it hasn’t been all open roads and blue skies.
Oh no.
There were hills, curves and even some rainstorms.
When I first started this journey, I had my doubts. I constantly wondered if I knew enough about the craft to be deemed a professional, if I was good enough to make my subjects happy…if it I had the guts to actually walk away from the plan I had for my life to chase this dream of mine that was a part of the plan HE had for my life.
Most of the time, feelings of unworthiness would consume me and as I would sit down and allow my fears to scream very loudly in my head, I heard a soft whisper that said “JUST SAY NO.”
Easier said than done, I know, but sometimes saying NO out loud is all you need to do.
By declaring out loud that my fear or doubt would no longer hold me back , I was able to focus on taking it one day at a time and spend my time getting closer to my dream.
Are there times where I still feel defeated? Of course.
Are there times where I feel like I have SO much more to learn? You betcha.
But my desire to reach my goal and achieve my dream is what keeps me going. I don’t allow the negativity to get the best of me.
When it comes to my dream…when it comes to your dream…JUST SAY NO.
Say no to your negative thoughts.
Say no to the negative thoughts of others.
Just say no.
It’s so easy for me to get wrapped up in the fear of moving forward and we all have heard a voice that says “You can’t do this. There’s no way.”
But you know what? When you dare to dream, THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY.
Whether you’re a photographer, a dancer, a lawyer, a teacher or you’re still searching for what you want to do… don’t let your dream die.
You were created to make a difference.
My best friend said it to me best when she said:
“You are getting closer to your dream. And it’s awesome and scary. And it means you have to stretch yourself and dig deep in the moments when you’re terrified. Because those moments are when the breakthroughs happen. It’s the only way to get to the next level.”
As a photographer, I want to get to the next level. I don’t want to just exist. I want to experience life. I keep my dream alive because I am determined to make a difference. I want my photos to matter.
God placed a dream inside of YOU. He created YOU for a purpose. Dig deep in the moments you’re terrified and allow yourself to break through your walls of fear. Don’t allow yourself to not chase your dreams because someone told you that you can’t do it.
I mean really…what do they know?
P.S. There are still a few spots left for the Naughty or Nice Mini shoots happening for the holidays!! Be sure you secure your spot today!!